Health & Safety
Health and Safety is of prime importance to Ellemby Contracts Ltd and we will seek to conduct our business in such a way to avoid harm to our Employees and all others who may be affected directly or indirectly by our activities.
In order to fulfill our duty of care we have appointed Mentor Services to provide competent health and safety advice, and to assist us in developing a pro-active Health and Safety Management System.
Natwest Mentor Services
2nd Floor
Sapphire West
550 Streetsbrook Road
West Midlands
B91 1QY
Health and Safety Policy Statement - View Here
This policy statement is produced in accordance with the responsibilities of Ellemby Contracts Ltd under Section 2(3) of the Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974. Throughout this document Ellemby Contracts Ltd will also be referred to as Ellemby.
Risk assessments and a detailed method statement will be carried out prior to any works commencing and throughout the project as changes and new procedures happen. Site inspections are also frequent to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all those on site or those who could be affected by site operations.